Collaboration between state and federal regulators is as equally important as state-to-state collaboration. In fact, today’s dynamic financial services industry demands increased state-federal regulatory coordination. State-federal coordination top priority for CSBS, including ensuring that the perspective of state supervisors is represented at the highest levels of the federal government.
CSBS plays an integral role in facilitating state regulators’ representation on several federal bank supervisory councils and boards. These boards include the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) and the Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council (FFIEC), among several others. Having a seat at the table with federal regulators ensures the state perspective on financial policy is considered and fosters a more informed financial regulatory regime in the U.S.
Texas Banking Commissioner Charles G. Cooper Concludes his Service Washington, D.C. — State bank supervisors have appointed New York State Department of Financial Services Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris to serve as the state banking representative on the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), succeeding Texas Banking Commissioner Charles G. Cooper who
December 13, 2022
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Money Services Businesses
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