CSBS supports state regulators in advancing the system of state financial supervision by ensuring safety, soundness and consumer protection; promoting economic growth; and fostering innovative, responsive supervision. The content in the Policy Section describes the positions of CSBS on legislation, regulations and guidance in advancing these objectives.
Sometimes legislative history tells a fuller story of a bill’s provisions.
Blog post
State bank regulators have asked the federal banking agencies to amend their long-term debt (LTD) proposal for large banking organizations. The proposal would require banks over $100 billion in assets to issue and maintain a minimum amount of LTD, which is meant to enhance the resolvability of such firms in the event of failure, as well as promote the resiliency
Here is where you have a one or two sentence teaser text to explain what Mortgage Servicing is lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
All Issues
State and federal bank regulatory agencies continue to evaluate the perceived shortage of state certified and licensed appraisers in certain areas across the country.
State regulators strongly support the Bank Service Company Examination Coordination Act. The bill, first introduced in the 114th Congress, is commonsense, bipartisan legislation that makes state and federal supervision more efficient and more effective.
BSA/AML regulations are designed to help identify the source, volume, and movement of currency and other monetary instruments.
Here is where you have a one or two sentence teaser text to explain what the Community Reinvestment Act is lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Here is where you have a one or two sentence teaser text to explain what Money Services Businesses are lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Here is where you have a one or two sentence teaser text to explain what Mortgage Servicing is lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) has developed this paper, Reengineering Nonbank Supervision, to serve two primary purposes.
Collaboration between state and federal regulators is as equally important as state-to-state collaboration.
Here is where you have a one or two sentence teaser text to explain what State Representation on the FDIC Board is lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Test 2 Here is where you have a one or two sentence teaser text to explain what State Federal Collaboration is lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.